Yes, Jesus would like you to be stressed out about Christmas...
Published: Mon, 12/03/18
Exchange Stress for Peace
Nothing says "I forgot Jesus was the real reason we celebrate" besides stressing out over alllll the Christmas details. I'm a planner and a big Christmas celebrator. I love gift giving and spoiling my family with lots of treats this time of year. But I've learned that if Jesus isn't in it, we've gotta let go of it. Just because someone else is doing it doesn't mean you have to (I'm looking at all the great people who lovingly give homemade cookies to their mail carriers. Meanwhile I'm usually still not out of my pajamas when my mail carrier arrives.)
One year we did this very cool thing and filled socks with goodies for people. It was awesome, so I'm sharing the idea in case God gives you the "yes" on this. But if He doesn't, thank Him for protecting you from yourself.
May your day be blessed and your heart be not stressed,
Laura @
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