All I can think of (and cry over) today is how thankful I am for everyone in my life who has been an encouragement lately. Many of you are a part of this, so thank you.
I've always had many wonderful encouragers in my life, but since we've taken on a foster child, every encouraging word
spoken has been life-giving. I'm bawling like a baby over it (sounds like someone needs her nap).
Even the best pieces of life can be exhausting. Parenting, marriage, schooling, working, cooking, cleaning, ministering. As I do all of the above while preparing for a huge high school graduation celebration for Justus this weekend while squeezing in four foster
care related meetings this week before a houseful of company arrives - all I can do is hang on to the Truth that God is in all of it. His strength is mine for the asking. Praise Him!
So be an encourager. You never know who needs your kind words of blessing.
Also? If you're weary, reach
out and ask for help. I gave up on trying to get everything done by myself for this weekend. Everyone I've asked to pitch in has done so gladly. Seeking help is a beautiful thing for everyone.
Jesus and coffee,