Waffles and Syrup - at the same time!

Published: Mon, 06/19/17

My waffle iron has been getting a workout. Have you been keeping up with my crazy ideas? I've been making all kinds of fun foods in the waffle iron lately!
But here's a fun idea! How about making actual waffles? I know. Radical. I've been so into Womelets and Wuffins I haven't actually made Waffles in quite some time!

I will remedy that this week, seeing as all four of my boys are home (yay!) plus we've got an extra teen boy - so no one will complain about a big pile of waffles. 

For our waffle dining pleasure, I have two great things to share with you:

1) My favorite Waffle Iron is on sale. It's not actually in stock right now (boo) but it will be by the end of this week, then it can be on its way to you! If you don't have a waffle iron, this is a great one to have. And the price is great right now!

2) Want a little syrup with those waffles? Check out this amazing deal on Real Maple Syrup! There's a 25% off coupon, which makes the price so much lower than what we'd normally pay!! 
Come over and check out all the fun waffle iron recipes!!