Good morning!
It's been a while since I took time to write specifically to you, my loyal email subscribers. Today I'm finding a moment to check in, and this is what I want you to know:
Writing you always makes me smile.
I love writing for my blog, but there's something extra cool about writing more personally to all of you who have chosen to be on this list.
Laura's deep and profound thoughts
for this Monday:
During my 43 years of life, I've learned that every day is a tapestry of happiness and tears, good and bad, hard and easy. We tend toward wanting only the good while avoiding all the bad, then when the bad comes anyway, we wonder what could have possibly gone wrong.
Nothing went wrong. This is life, people. Take last week for example...
Our oldest son Asa moved home after his second year of college. Bliss! All six of us are together again (for one week only), which is extremely rare and an absolute joy! We've enjoyed some wonderful family time, a lively game of our traditional
"Mother's Day Soccer" (of which my body still has not recovered from), hours of playing Settlers of Catan together, and my favorite - family prayer time.
Asa's girlfriend from out of state came and spent the weekend, and can I just say how ridiculously sweet it is to watch my son pack a surprise picnic for his girl and to hear them playing a game in the next room while I'm pretending to
work. (I mean, I was working. I wasn't eavesdropping. I can't help it if I can hear them laughing and talking in the kitchen, can I?)
In addition to all of this, Matt and the boys worked together all week on a house-siding job, which gave me some quiet time to get projects done at home and helps to pad the boys' savings account (while teaching them useful skills and how to work
So see what a good week it was for us?
Oh yes, but it was also a rough one. It was Mother's Day week. I hurt deeply during this time of year because I miss my mom so much, therefore I cried almost every day. (Her birthday would have been Wednesday. Double
Also, our finances have been looking a little bit pitiful as of late and then without warning, our family van completely died. It's almost laughable, the timing. God will absolutely provide, no doubt. And how cool is it that Asa got home with his car just in time for this to happen?
So anyway...the good and the bad. Life is a constant mixture of both, and neither should surprise us. What we can know, absolutely, is that our needs will always be met, our God is always faithful, and His mercies are new every morning.
Did I mention we've had a bat in our house this week that keeps showing itself then disappearing whenever Matt and the boys attempt
to catch it and get it out? Who needs sleep, anyway?
Well, my dears. Thank you for listening. This new week will be filled with much of the same, joys and challenges. I'd love to hear from you and know what you're enjoying and what you're struggling through. Never forget that through everything, we are offered absolute peace because of Jesus!
Keep looking up!
Laura @