last day of sunshiny weather before winter comes back to Nebraska (and maybe where you live too?)!
I took advantage of the warmth this morning and cleaned out our normally freezing cold storage room. Phew, it feels good to get that done! What have you been up to so far today?
I drew a winner yesterday
for our Lilla Rose gift certificate giveaway. Nothing like waiting 24 hours to actually let you know, huh? The lovely winner is:
Karen McKee kphillip@ (Karen, email me back so we can get your prize to
And now for the recipes!
As most of you know, I'm in "keep it as simple as possible" mode at my house when it comes to just about everything, but especially food. I continue to be amazed that making Real Food is as easy as this.
On that page, you'll find all these too - the simplest, yummiest recipes that are saving my
sanity as of late:
Pick one of those to make for dinner tonight and you'll be amazed at how fast you can get food on the table without compromising quality and nourishment!
Have a blessed day!