Well, it finally hit. The flu that's been going around hit our house hard. I'm finally regaining some energy after several days of sitting in my recliner with a heating pad and hot tea (and many, many episodes of Downton Abbey).
Being sick puts many aspects of life into perspective. It's made me pray more for
people who are chronically ill. It's made me very thankful for warm baths and a loving family, for nourishing soup and well, it's emphasized my desire to keep life simpler than ever so I can appreciate what is truly important.
A couple items to note that I would have shared more about over the weekend had I been awake. :)
1) If you'd like to check out the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse we used with our youngest to help
him learn to cook, these are the final days it will be available for registration at this time. You'll enjoy the free videos at first, then can decide if you want more where they came from. We love this course, and I think it goes without saying that when mama is sick, she is never more pleased that her children can cook for themselves! (The free video series and course registration ends Jan. 18.)
I'm off to make another cup of tea (and maybe close my eyes for a while
Hope you are warm and well!