There are so many times throughout my 19+ years of parenting that I've wished for a manual. So many times I've said, "I have no idea what I'm doing."
God is the most gentle teacher and asking Him continually for guidance has been the best thing I've ever
done as a parent. Sometimes He provides other parents to share what they've learned - often at the very moment I've needed it.
If any of the following are parenting struggles you have, take comfort that you are not alone, and take advantage of the completely free offer available to learn more about parenting through these issues...
- Manage your
children’s emotions (and your own!)
- Figure out how to avoid the “me, me, me epidemic” that is producing over-entitled children
- Get your house clean – and keep it that way (for real)
- Strengthen your marriage
- Talk to your children about sex (yes, this is something you really have to do!)
- Help your children embrace healthy foods while teaching them to cook
- Manage your children’s screen time and smart phone use (without making them hate you)
- Develop a budget that really works for your family (yes, it’s possible!)
- Live a more intentional and joyful life (and teach your children to do the same)
- And much more!
I've signed up (and downloaded my free gifts for doing so, thank you very much) and I look forward to gaining more wisdom as I continue to trek through these parenting years.