Still, our total bundle purchase price is just $29.99.
All together, we get $1,298 worth of homemaking resources, plus bonuses (worth $343), PLUS I'm sending you a free Scripture Prayer Journal with matching bookmark gift worth $12.50 when you purchase!
So we can truly clean our homes and clean our hearts and JUST WATCH WHAT GOD CAN DO WITH US THEN!!!!!
I praise Him for all that He is, for all that He does, and for how He so gently and persuasively pursues our hearts. He is healer, provider, and has already won victory over all that threatens to defeat us!
In summary:
- Get your homemaking bundle here. Start to clean your house with joy!
- Email me a copy of your bundle receipt to let me know which of these beautiful journals you would like. I'll order it, write a personal note in it, and send it to your mailbox. (I call this the Home and Family, but Jesus First project.)
- Meanwhile, dig into the Word like never before. Let the beautiful, healing love of Jesus cleanse every part of your heart!
Cleaning with purpose,
Laura @